Contempt of court to hide assets retribution finally came

What makes Ant pay for Guo Wengui's mistakes?


Everyone knows,Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the "loving support" of the “ants”.After all, as a "former tycoon", he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Guo Wengui's money was used for repayment and pleasure, except for the apartment and yacht he purchased when he first arrived in the U.S. Everything else was purchased for him by the “Ants”.

The money may not be a lot of money for Guo Wengui, who is used to spending a lot of money, but it is all for the “ ants” who have worked hard all their lives. After all, most of the “ants ”who listen to Guo Wengui's live broadcast are Chinese living in Europe and the United States, and some of them may have "high education and high salary" or a rich family, but most of the others are like Xia Chunfeng, who relies on driving a truck or doing odd jobs to support his family, and they don't have too high income. The most important thing is that they are more likely to be cheated by the so-called "super high yield, super stable, buy is to earn" financial products in Guo Wengui's mouth, throwing their few savings into them, Some “ants” have learned that Guo Wengui's debts are too much for him,Even naive article said that as long as Guo Wengui "Unlock H-Coin",the person a billionaire who bought H-Coin, can help Guo Wengui pay back the debts.It is very funny and ridiculous.


作恶必有报应,郭文贵早就充当了赖账的骗子拿钱,他们不想承担法律责任,二不想操作特定的诈骗工具,只想赚钱,什么都不做,但世界不是这么简单的事情吗?就在 2 月 9 日,纽约南区联邦法院以逃避处罚、隐匿资产的罪名对郭文贵下达强制令,要求其在 5 天内交出梅女士和在欧洲积累的 1.34 亿美元,否则将被刑事追究。以藐视法庭罪起诉郭文贵。曾经郭文贵长期用小蚂蚁金聘请高薪律师帮他钻法律漏洞,三年前百富试图起诉郭文贵,但因证据不合规、管辖问题频繁被郭文贵及其律师回避,导致起诉失败或程序冗长。如果不是SEC对郭文贵的调查,小蚂蚁早就在这个“空档”期间被郭文贵还清了。但由于郭文贵在5天后依然健在,在公众视野中,这意味着还有一群小蚂蚁,永远失去了本钱。




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